Trend Trader Daily Presents:
The iPohne Killer

Dear reader,

Kill the iPhone, you say?

Few companies have the guts to kill an iconic… admired… refined… brilliantly conceived… historically significant… multibillion-dollar business… ON PURPOSE.

Take Sears, for example.

In 2005, Sears could’ve killed its brick-and-mortar stores, ON PURPOSE… moved its products online… and ruled retail for another 50 years.

Instead of killing its stores, Sears tried to keep them alive.

Not only is Sears now an irrelevant penny stock, but…

Sears helped make Amazon the King of Retail.

A decade later, Amazon shareholders are still riding a historic moonshot.

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The same goes for Dell.

Dell had the perfect chance to kill its PC business, ON PURPOSE.

Cloud computing was heating up just as Dell’s hardware sales tumbled in the mid 2000s.

Instead, by not killing its hardware division, Dell missed a chance to dominate the cloud… which helped cloud companies like Citrix Systems bank millions in profits.

Citrix shareholders continue to win big...

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And who could ever forget Blockbuster?

Blockbuster had every opportunity to kill its in-store rental business, ON PURPOSE.

Instead, when Netflix offered to sell itself to Blockbuster for a measly $50 million — chump change to a billion-dollar corporation — Netflix executives got laughed out of the room.

The joke, however, was on Blockbuster.

By not killing its outdated business model, Blockbuster ended up in bankruptcy court.

Netflix and its shareholders never looked back.

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Of course, Sears, Dell, and Blockbuster aren’t individually unique cases.

If America Online was granted a redo…

It could’ve killed its dial-up business and become an early-mover in broadband.

If Kodak was granted a redo…

It could’ve killed its film business the moment it invented (and patented) digital technology.

If MySpace was granted a redo…

It could’ve killed its social platform in favor of Facebook’s (Mark Zuckerberg offered to sell Facebook to MySpace for $75 million).

If Yahoo was granted a redo…

It could’ve killed its own search engine in favor of Google’s (Sergey Brin offered to sell Google to Yahoo for a million bucks).

See, by strategically killing, say… an aging business model… a declining product… an outdated design… a tired brand… a fading trend… Sears, Dell, Blockbuster, America Online, Kodak, MySpace, and Yahoo could’ve stayed perched atop their kingdoms.

It’s called “creative destruction.”

If you’re an investor, I urge you to pay close attention.

Because in the weeks ahead, Apple could do what Sears, Dell, Blockbuster and the others failed to do — if all goes as expected…


Apple will commit the single greatest act of creative destruction ever…

I believe Apple is planning to kill its iPhone, ON PURPOSE.


What’s even crazier is that Apple’s “creatively destructive” act — a deliberate killing of the greatest invention of all time — happens to coincide with three equally shocking and destructive events.

The first creatively destructive act is Bitcoin. As the foremost cryptocurrency vies to kill fiat currencies forever, Bitcoin’s price has reached dizzying heights…

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The second creatively destructive act is Tesla. As Elon Musk seeks to kill the combustion engine forever, Tesla’s shareholders are living a dream…

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The third creatively destructive act is Moderna. As mRNA technology advances to where it replaces (and then kills) every traditional drug therapy, shareholders are enjoying a rocket ride…

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Now, this may jolt your system…

But after a careful and thorough analysis of all three acts of creative destruction — Bitcoin, Tesla, and Moderna — I’m convinced that iPhone’s looming destruction could be even bigger.

Why? Because unlike the other three, everyone is tethered (addicted) to their smartphone… and the bigger the disruption, the bigger the profits tend to be.

I vow to share my full profit outlook on the iPhone Killer in a moment.

Before I do, however, it’s imperative to understand the origins of creative destruction.

The concept of creative destruction — the driving force behind the biggest stock gains of the last 100 years — is credited to renowned economist Joseph Schumpeter. Easily one of the 20th century's greatest minds, Schumpeter defined creative destruction as…

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With all due respect to Mr. Schumpeter, I prefer a simpler definition…

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Now, I’m not privy to your financial situation.

Nor do I want to be.

You might be heir to a large fortune…

You might have a million bucks tucked away under the mattress...

You might be saving for retirement…

You might be living paycheck to paycheck…

You might be supporting a family…

Heck, you might be an “empty nester” planning your next move.

Whatever your financial situation is, that’s your business… and yours alone.

I’m only here to advocate your right to amass wealth.

Rich or poor… young or old… liberal or conservative… Mets fan or Yankees fan… Coke drinker or Pepsi drinker… our freedoms and liberties allow us to seek and build lasting wealth. And the stock market exists for that sole purpose — to create wealth.

As such, I believe everybody should own at least one share of stock in a healthy, ambitious, up-and-coming superstar… like Apple in 1980.

Speaking of a single share of stock…

In a moment, I’ll reveal the best stock to own as Apple prepares to kill its iPhone. I expect a single share to go a long… long… long way… because it accomplishes something truly powerful…

It grants you ownership in a company, but not just any company…

I’m talking about ownership in a thriving company… a company radically expanding its customer base… a company hiring the best talent… a company on the leading edge of a revolution… a company with 10-bagger potential… like I just said, a company exactly like Apple in 1980!


How powerful is it to own a stock like Apple?


Well, Steve Jobs owned 11% of Apple when the company went public.

At today’s prices, Jobs’ ownership stake would be worth $242 billion.

When Jobs regained control of Apple in 1997, he was asked “what’s your strategy?”

Jobs replied simply, “I’m going to wait for the next big thing.”

We thought the next big thing was iPod, but it wasn’t…

It was the iPhone.

Jobs was the revolutionary force behind iPhone’s creation.

And now Apple’s current CEO, Tim Cook, is the evolutionary force behind its destruction.

Everybody thinks they know what Cook’s next big thing will be — a foldable iPhone (wrong)… Apple Car (wrong)… Air Tags (wrong)… Apple TV 4K (wrong).

At their very best, those products will churn sales for Apple.

But they won’t spark a revolution… an obsession… a frenzy to buy.

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The iPhone Killer, however, is radically different.

Its sole purpose is to separate you from your iPhone.


As much as you might love your current iPhone, fear not.

You’ll love the opportunity to make some money in this stock even better, which is the direct result of the iPhone’s speculated replacement.

It’s a tiny company making an indispensable part for the iPhone Killer.

On the low side, I believe this company could double in price…


On the high side — i.e. if shares follow the same trajectory as Apple — you could pocket up to 130x your investment.


To be clear, that would mean turning a $5,000 investment into $10,000 on the low end… and as much as $655,000 on the high end.

Now look, every smart investor knows that investing comes with risk.

Stocks can rise… stocks can just as easily fall.

So you should never invest more than you can afford to lose.

Yet in order to grasp the enormity of this opportunity…

To grasp the sheer size and scope of the potential profits…

To grasp the magnitude upon which this company could impact cultural norms… shift societal behaviors…. and alter the way humans interact with each other…

You must first understand the following headlines…

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See, global smartphone sales have been shrinking for years.

Case in point: Thanks to the introduction of its newest 5G-enabled iPhone 12, Apple enjoyed a record-breaking quarter to end 2020… yet the smartphone market as a whole still shrunk by another 5%.

Put simply, anyone who wants an iPhone probably already has one.

And therein lies the “problem” for Apple.

The market for smartphones is fully mature, with “peak innovation” having already been reached… roughly three years ago.

Therefore, it’s impossible for a new smartphone to hit store shelves — seemingly out of nowhere (much like the iPhone in 2007) — that inspires the masses to own one.

In fact, as an expert of wireless technology for nearly four decades, let me assure you…

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So Apple’s empire is in grave danger.

Tim Cook knows this, of course.


In response, Apple called a “secret” meeting at its Cupertino headquarters — a meeting that filled its on-campus, 1,000-seat, Steve Jobs Theatre to capacity.


Exactly how secretive was Apple’s meeting?

Well, according to reporting by The Information, “One person at the meeting said attendees were required to wrap their iPhones in tamper-proof stickers with unique QR codes that blocked the front and back cameras, preventing them from photographing the event.”

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During the meeting, Apple revealed its most ambitious product ever.


Codenamed “N421,” credible sources believe the device’s highest purpose is…

To kill the iPhone.


I encourage you to verify this on your own…

Simply search “N421” on Google.

Still with me?


Now, since I expect Apple to be wildly successful in its creative destruction of the iPhone…

And I also believe that “N421” will replace it…

Owning a few shares of Apple is both worthwhile and prudent.

Yet Apple is only the tip of the spear.

See, whenever a creatively destructive act is occurring — like Amazon replacing malls… Priceline replacing travel agencies… Walmart replacing mom-and-pop shops… Home Depot replacing lumber yards… Uber replacing taxis… drones replacing tanks… or GPS replacing maps…

The destruction has so much raw power…

It’s so ripe with potential…

It contains so much kinetic energy…

It tends to push every company in the industry to new highs… especially the smallest firms.

For example, remember I identified Bitcoin as an incredibly destructive force?

Well, in tandem with Bitcoin’s rise, virtually every company utilizing Bitcoin’s underlying technology (blockchain) is in an aggressive price ascent.

Here, see for yourself…

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And remember I told you that Tesla is seeking to kill the combustion engine?

Well, virtually every company providing the necessary infrastructure for the electrification economy to thrive is soaring to spectacular heights. Especially lithium miners and battery storage innovators.

Here, take a look…

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And remember I told you that Moderna’s mRNA technology will likely kill every prior means of developing breakthrough drugs, cures, and vaccines?

Well, during true acts of creative destruction — epitomized by Moderna’s revolution — the stock gains are seldom (if ever) restricted to a single company.

The following charts perfectly capture the “Moderna effect”…

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Now of course, those are some of the best performing examples.

But when it comes to creative destruction — the driving force behind the biggest stock gains of the last 100 years — I can produce as many examples as you could ever want.

Point being, creative destruction tends to turn everything it touches to gold.

In a few moments, I’ll show you the next golden stock to own as Apple kills the iPhone — only a single share could make a difference in your life.

But first, allow me to introduce myself.


My name is Michael Robinson.


As a renowned technology analyst and investor for nearly four decades, I’ve witnessed the power of creative destruction hundreds of times during my career.

Michael Robinson

Through this firsthand experience — as a guest analyst on major media outlets like CNBC… as an advisor to countless startups… and as a pioneer in the financial publishing industry — I can confidently say that my livelihood… my personal investments… my weekly paycheck… my family’s well-being… my mortgage payments… they all depend on acts of creative destruction.

See, without creative destruction, we’d be forced to live inside a static economy.

The supporting data might shock you…

According to MIT, creative destruction accounts for over 50% of economic productivity.

In terms of GDP, creative destruction is worth roughly $11 trillion to the U.S. economy, and $45 trillion to the global economy.

To anyone who thinks creative destruction and the economy are mutually exclusive…

You’re very… very… very wrong!

Creative destruction and the economy are codependent.

They must exist together.

In fact, see these images of bread lines during the Great Depression?

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Scary, right?

Well, I don’t say this lightly… or to be callous… or to offend anyone whose grandparents lived through such a difficult time in U.S. history. But without creative destruction’s impact on jobs, wages, consumer spending, and manufacturing output…

We’d all be in a similar situation, scrounging for our next meal.

In my professional life — a life that includes venture capitalists and earnings calls — I’d barely get by without acts of creative destruction.

For example, since the Nasdaq is a performance benchmark for technology companies, I track the index on a daily basis.

As you read this, the Nasdaq trades at around 13,000.

But without acts of creative destruction, the Nasdaq would trade for half that.

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Viewed through the lens of creative destruction, consider…

Apple contributes roughly $325 billion to the smartphone market annually, which is worth between $750 billion and $1.25 trillion.

That’s no drop in the bucket.

The smartphone economy, in turn, contributes over 3% to global GDP.

Also not a drop in the bucket.

So if Apple is successful in killing its iPhone, ON PURPOSE

And the iPhone Killer (codename “N421”) becomes a must-own device for consumers… and virtually every other manufacturing giant — i.e. Samsung, Huawei, and LG — seeks to copycat the iPhone Killer… then trillions of fresh dollars will rush into the economy.

In a single destructive act (albeit a massive one), the world will need…

Thousands of brand-new apps developed specifically for the iPhone Killer…

Thousands of manufacturing suppliers to help build the device…

Thousands of customers service reps to support the device…

Thousands of retail professionals to sell the device…

Thousands of cargo trucks to deliver the device.

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Now, before you dismiss my prediction as hyperbole… or as just another “talking head” seeking attention… or as the musings of an unabashed self-promoter — one with a limited history of being right…

Hold the phone!

I’m the proud author of over 500 technology-related essays, covering every meaningful boom over the last decade — from Bitcoin… to digital payments… to vaccine developments… to robotics… and beyond.

During my nearly 40-year tenure, I’ve amassed an impressive track record of identifying enormous stock gains, with a little bit of help…

See, I’ve always been a big fan of visualization techniques.

As I’m analyzing new technologies and building predictive models around them — projecting adoption rates, sales growth, and high probability investment outcomes — visualization helps me see the situation from various vantage points… from a wider point of view… without limitations or encumbrances.

I find it especially useful for massive scale, societal-shifting, era-defining events… like iPhone’s looming destruction… and the iPhone Killer’s forecasted rise.

Imagine a car battery, for instance.

Visualize the battery’s two terminals — negative (black) and positive (red). The red side is the side that requires careful attention, as it holds a lot more potential energy than the black side.

In our case, the existing iPhone is negative (black) and the iPhone Killer is positive (red).

If only one terminal is connected, nothing happens… and given that smartphone sales peaked back in 2015, Apple is operating with only one terminal connected.

But when both terminals are connected, BOOM — a chemical reaction occurs between them, which produces electrons (moving from black to red)… which then generates enough power to crank an engine.

On the merits of the facts I’ve gathered so far, I have every reason to believe (and boldly predict) that…


Apple will reveal its plan to launch the iPhone Killer — thus connecting the positive terminal — during its next earnings call on (or around) January 25.


If I’m correct, Apple’s act of creative destruction will be the largest on record.

A bold decree, given the enormity of other creatively destructive acts.

iPhone Killer: A Market Worth 1.9X the Entire Beverage Industry…

Before its war with Pepsi began, Coke ruled the lucrative soft-drink market, once holding over a 60% market share.

Coke ultimately won the decade-long battle against Pepsi.

Yet neither brand saw the approaching freight train…

In an incredible act of creative destruction, Monster Beverages— an obscure, unheard of company at the time (conducting business under the name “Hanson Natural Company”) — introduced the world to energy drinks.

Its flagship product, Monster Energy, launched in 2002… and upended the entire soft-drink market, forcing a full recalibration of the $400 billion industry and its profits.

And just like all creatively destructive acts, early investors won big.

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iPhone Killer: A Market Worth 14X the Entire Robotics Industry…

The idea of surgical robots was nothing but science fiction in the mid 1990s… something you’d only see in a Star Trek or Star Wars movie, like when Luke Skywalker’s hand gets surgically replaced by a robot in the Empire Strikes Back.

But fiction became reality in 1995. Instead of using their own arms and hands to perform surgeries, a group of doctors came up with an idea to use a robotic arm.

By 1996, the newformed company, Intuitive Surgical, had its first prototype.

In one of the greatest destructive acts in medical history, the robotic system — named “Da Vinci” — has now performed over 5,000 surgeries.

Were you able to catch Intuitive Surgical’s ride?

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iPhone Killer: A Market Worth 5X the Entire Fintech Industry…

Another act of creative destruction — one currently flying under the radar — is beginning to wreak havoc inside the banking industry.

The situation is extremely urgent, and ranks high atop my list of “world changers.”

It has to do with fintech companies (short for “financial technology”).


Put simply, fintechs move money around the economy using algorithms, artificial intelligence, and automation software. Without any physical locations… without any branch offices… without a single teller or bank clerk waiting to assist you…

Fintechs, by nature, are hyper-efficient financial transactors.

But now they’re also existential threats to traditional banks.

Why? Because for the first time ever, the FDIC recently granted a fintech company (Square, Inc.) a bank charter. A bank charter opens the door for Square and other fintechs to begin offering loans.

For Square’s shareholders, here’s what creative destruction looks like…

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Now, surely I have a few remaining skeptics out there… and a few others planning to wait and see if Apple makes its official “iPhone Killer” announcement on January 25.

Allow me to applaud your caution.

When it comes to investing, nothing can ever be guaranteed.

So a bit of pessimism is very helpful.

Yet it’s also worth sharing a quote from CNBC, because it’s both brilliant and powerful…

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Do you suffer from “wait and see” investing?

You wait for a trend or catalyst to start moving the market… wait for the mainstream media to validate it… wait for your brokerage to release a full report… wait for your newspaper’s opinion editor to write about it… and only then do you commit to invest?

Good luck making money… because you’ll need it.

In real-life, “wait and see” investing can potentially cost thousands… hundreds of thousands… heck millions, depending on how many shares you typically buy.

From my experience, the 80/20 rule easily applies here.

A stock’s first leg higher — which occurs before any news hits — is typically the most aggressive, constituting 80% of the overall gains. By that point, the remaining 20% (the leftovers) are split among “wait and see” investors.

For proof, look no further than shares of II-VI Inc., which recently received a $410 million contract from Apple to work on the iPhone Killer’s laser technology.

Is the stock waiting for Apple to officially announce plans to launch the iPhone Killer?

The chart says no.

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With that in mind, I recommend taking action BEFORE January 25.


Not afterward.

Oh, and congratulations! You’re only a minute away from getting access to all of my iPhone Killer research… including the tiny company perfectly positioned to benefit.

The company reminds me of Apple in 1980 — innovative, daring, and obsessed with aesthetics. If shares follow the same trajectory as Apple, you could pocket up to 130X your investment… potentially turning a $5,000 investment into $655,000.

But first, I’d like to share the guts of my investment thesis.

As a renowned analyst who’s regularly invited to share my insights with places like the "TD Ameritrade Network” — I can’t risk being wrong.

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See, I’ve suspected that Apple’s had the iPhone Killer in development for the better part of seven years. Yet I also have strict rules when it comes to releasing my research to the public.

For the iPhone Killer, I knew certain breakthroughs had to occur before I’d even consider sharing my findings with the world.

Well, that day is now upon us.

Let’s quickly review five recent breakthroughs that underpin my iPhone Killer investment thesis.

Critical Breakthrough #1: Addictive Technology.

Look, we already know the iPhones can hear (microphone). It can see (camera). It knows it’s being touched (touchscreen). It knows what direction it’s facing (magnetometer).

iPhone also knows its position on a map (GPS)… it knows if it’s moving and how fast (accelerometer). It knows if it’s rotating and how fast (gyroscope). And with a plug-in device, iPhone can even sense heat (thermal-imaging camera).

But the iPhone Killer [N-421] seeks to accomplish more… a lot more!

With that in mind, allow me to reveal the iPhone Killer’s paradigm-smashing feature… the feature Apple thinks you want… you need… you’ll soon become dependent upon… and you’ll use for the rest of your life…

I call it “spatial awareness” — simply put, it’s N-421’s ability to recognize and interface with everything happening around you… thus allowing for a fully immersive, visually-enhanced feedback loop.

For example, using data it constantly harvests from the world at large… let’s say the iPhone Killer “sees” a coffee machine in the next room.

Thanks to spatial awareness technology, the iPhone Killer can render an image of the coffee machine, making it appear right before your eyes. The iPhone Killer can then guide you directly to the exact location of the coffee machine in the next room.

Sound far-fetched?

I can assure you it’s not.

At Apple’s secret meeting in Cupertino, where it reportedly unveiled iPhone Killer technology…

Attendees were shown “a recording of a demonstration in which a virtual coffee machine was placed on a real kitchen table surrounded by people in a room. The virtual coffee machine obscured people standing behind it in the room,” according to The Information.

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Critical Breakthrough #2: Fast and Furious.

Like I said, I’ve known about N-421 technology for years… yet I’ve also suspected that Apple lacks the computing power needed to bring the device to market. Quite frankly, I never even considered releasing my iPhone Killer research without Apple having an epic microchip breakthrough.

Well, I’m happy to report it happened…

During a recent Apple product event, it revealed the “M1” chip — a super-processor capable of delivering 3D graphics at extremely high frame rates.

Apple processor

To get a bit more detailed (for our tech geeks)…

Since N421 gives users an incredibly immersive visual experience, the chip must be able to render every scene twice to serve both eyes… and M1’s CPU “clock speed” of 3.2 gigahertz should deliver the needed horsepower.

For this reason alone, at its next earnings call on (or around) January 25.

I believe Apple could make an official announcement that the iPhone Killer is coming.

Critical Breakthrough #3: Power Surge.

I’ve been entrenched inside the technology industry for decades, and if there’s one surefire certainty it’s this… major product breakthroughs require equally major breakthroughs in battery science.

With that in mind, I believe batteries will be a huge talking point on January 25 based on Apple’s past earnings releases.

See, having cracked open, looked inside, and vetted earlier versions of N-421 technology… I can attest that iPhone Killer will require up to 14X the power of iPhone.

It’s a daunting challenge, no doubt.

But Apple’s Project Titan team — the team working on Apple Car — has reportedly had a resounding breakthrough in battery chemistry, which has the potential to benefit the iPhone Killer, as well.

“It’s next level,” a person close to the project told Reuters, adding that “it’s like the first time you saw the iPhone.”

Critical Breakthrough #4: Airtight Patents.

As far back as 2016, CEO Tim Cook described N421 as “extremely interesting and sort of a core technology. So, yes, it’s something we’re doing a lot of things on behind the curtain.” By April of 2021, Cook got a bit more concrete… agreeing with a podcaster that N-421 technology is “critically important” to Apple’s future.

Apple’s frenzy of patents back up Cook’s comments.

Per the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Apple received approval for 2,490 patents last year alone — many of which cover the iPhone Killer’s 3-D interface features.

For those who’ve followed my work over the years, you know that I consider IP activity — measured by the economic value of a company’s patent portfolio — as the foremost predictor of future stock prices.

Critical Breakthrough #5: Human Capital.

Ask any director of human resources, and then tell you the following truth…

Companies that are expanding profits tend to hire people, while companies with shrinking profits tend to fire people (or lay them off).

It’s truly that simple…

Which is why everyone should be wary of investing in a company whose workforce is shrinking. As such, I refused to release my iPhone Killer research until I could verify a substantial labor commitment from Apple.

I can now confirm the following...

Over 1,000 engineers have been working on the iPhone Killer technology, and additional staff has been added via Apple’s purchase of four private companies — all of which possess coveted technology for the iPhone Killer.

By now, you’re probably wondering…

“Hey Michael, what happens next?”

Well, when yet another Apple prophecy is fulfilled (god willing) you’ll likely find me on CNBC offering my insights on the big announcement...

See, when the media wants genuine technology insights, they call me.

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But I don’t advise waiting for my next TV appearance…


The “smart money” is already moving ahead of Apple’s earnings call on January 25.

Armed with my latest research report, when Tim Cook takes the stage on January 25, you’ll be way ahead too.


The report, How to Profit from the iPhone Killer, details the iPhone Killer’s main component…

I call it “Holo-Core” technology… because a) it gives users a fully immersive, 3-D, hologram-like experience, and b) Tim Cook referred to the technology as “core” to Apple’s future back in 2016.

To be clear, Holo-Core isn’t a standalone device.

It’s one of iPhone Killer’s seven main parts… yet it’s also iPhone’s Killer’s only irreplaceable part… and thereby it’s iPhone Killer’s most important part.

In fact, without Holo-Core’s advanced engineering, innovative science, and addictive functionality… the iPhone Killer wouldn’t be possible.

If you crack open Holo-Core technology, which I’ve already done…

You’ll find a battery, a microprocessor, a graphics card, a microphone, a camera, a modem, a touchpad, a speaker system, a memory bank, and a holographic lens — all weighing less than a standard deck of cards.

Here, take a look at my designer’s mockup of Holo-Core technology…

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Now, here’s where it gets super-exciting for investors…


As you know, I’m predicting that Apple will be first to market with an iPhone Killer.

But even if Samsung… or LG… or Huawei… or whoever else… releases their own versions of an iPhone Killer, THEY’LL ALL require a “Holo-Core” component to function properly.


The math might shock you…

>> Given that every smartphone on earth is now headed for obsolescence, Holo-Core’s demand potential exceeds 2.5 billion units.

>> Given that the average person spends 3.25 hours per day on their smartphones, Holo-Core will have to handle 2.9 trillion hours of global “phone” traffic every year.

>> Given that 50% of all online purchases are done on a mobile device, Holo-Core will drive $3.5 trillion in retail sales.

Incredible, wouldn’t you agree?


That’s why I want to rush you my brand-new report, ASAP.


On PAGE THREE, I placed potentially life-changing information…

You’ll discover that the global leader in “Holo-Core” technology — an absolutely essential component to every iPhone Killer — is a small company based in upstate New York.

How small?

Well, the company currently trades on the Nasdaq for 0.10% the size of Apple!... small enough that a single share of stock could provide you with substantial gains.

On PAGE FOUR, you’ll find out something even more electrifying…

From my analysis, this little company’s technology is roughly three years ahead of Samsung’s… and two years ahead of Apple’s… and it’s protected by over 180 patents.

On PAGE SIX, I’ll make the investment case a no-brainer…

See, I believe Apple is prepared to make an offer to buy this little company, thus eliminating it as a potential competitor… and gaining all of its “Holo-Core” intellectual property in the process. In my buyout scenario, Apple could offer over $100 per share.

For these reasons (and more), you could see substantial gains on this one stock alone.

Much like buying Apple’s stock in 1980!


To claim your free copy of my report, simply agree to give my flagship publication a try... it’s called: Digital Fortunes


The goal of my publication is simple…

To make sure you’re on the right side of every big investment trend...

Because when it comes to investing, you’re either on the wrong side of a trend, losing money… or you’re on the right side, earning massive gains.

By spotting a trend… spotting it early… and then putting your money to work behind the trend, you’ll be achieving something truly powerful…

You’ll (finally) have an opportunity to amass great wealth.

And helping to grow your personal wealth is the sole purpose of my flagship publication, Digital Fortunes.

No matter how the market indexes are performing…

No matter what the economy is doing…

No matter how effective (or ineffective) President Biden’s policies are…

By arming yourself with my research, you’ll be ahead of every big trend.

The biggest trend right now, of course, is the looming death of the iPhone.

Apple’s historic act of creative destruction — which I predict will be formally announced during Tim Cook’s earnings call on January 25 — has the potential to radically change how society functions.

Here’s the good news…

I’ve already done the heavy lifting for you…

Every urgent detail is in my newest special report — How to Profit from the iPhone Killer — which I’m prepared to send you for FREE.

Simply agree to give Digital Fortunes a 30-day test drive… kick the tires a bit… see if you like it… and I’ll send you the report upon signing up. In doing so, you won’t risk a single penny of your hard-earned money on subscription fees.

First, I realize I’ve made some big profit claims here...

Now of course, all investments carry risk and past performance does not guarantee future success.

In fact, the average gain for Digital Fortunes since inception was 44.9%.

Now I’m ready to help you realize similar gains.

But before I do, please carefully review the FREE BONUS REPORT you’ll receive when you give Digital Fortunes a try.


FREE BONUS REPORT:Creative Destruction — The Most Powerful Investment Force of the Last 100 Years…


The last 100 years of market history makes an open-and-shut case…

America’s biggest stock winners come from companies riding massive cultural… behavioral… paradigm-smashing trends… exactly like what’s presently happening inside the smartphone industry.

Conversely, history’s biggest losers are often companies on the wrong end of the very same trend.

Ask yourself, which would you rather have in your portfolio?…

Sears or Amazon?

Yahoo or Google?

Blockbuster or Netflix?

The U.S. Dollar or Bitcoin?

Kinney Shoes or Nike?

Hechinger or Home Depot?

Coke or Monster Beverages?

JC Penney or Shopify?


Medallion (Taxi) or Uber?

Montgomery Ward or Wayfair?

GM or Tesla?

Atari or Apple?

Levi Strauss or Lululemon Athletica?

Panasonic or Nvidia?

Amazon Stocks

The answer is easy — the black side is forever grounded… while the red side holds enough potential energy to blow the cap off a mountain.

From the invention of Ford’s assembly line to the evolution of GPS… from the discovery of natural gas fracking to advent of off-shore oil drilling… from surgical robots to big-box retailers… ride-sharing apps like Uber to cancer-zapping immunotherapy… genetic cloning to wireless internet service…

All of the above (and many, many more) represent acts of creative destruction.

They also could’ve supercharged any portfolio.

Here, let me show you the power of investing alongside creative destructive events… and why you should consider tapping this power, ASAP.

Say you invested a $1,000 in a portfolio, spread evenly among 10 companies.

Now, in this theoretical example, let’s assume you take a modest loss of 5% on nine out of the 10 stocks every year (for a 90% loss-rate. Ouch).

Yet one of your 10 stocks is in the midst of a creatively destructive act, thus earning triple-digit returns.

In this scenario, despite all of your losers…


A starting stake of $1,000 would grow to $14,409 in five years, representing a 1,341% net gain — simply by having one “creatively destructive” company in your portfolio.


If that doesn’t seal the case, what will?

Go ahead, see for yourself…

Amazon Stocks

When you accept this invitation to join Digital Fortunes today…

My bonus report on creative destruction is yours, free.

Inside the pages, you’ll find THREE ADDITIONAL creative destruction opportunities — ones that lie beyond the smartphone arena… yet pack the same punch as the looming iPhone Killer.

You’ll get all three ticker symbols… my full investment analysis… entry prices… when to buy... when to sell… and my profit projections for each stock.

At this point, I’m sure you’re asking an important question...


How much does it cost to join Digital Fortunes?


Well, the standard price of a one-year membership is $299.

But if you act right now, I’m willing to go the extra mile...

See, given the state of the economy right now…

My publisher and I decided to cut the cost by 66%.

Let me say that again...


Since inflation has hit most Americans so hard, I’m cutting the standard price by 66%...


Meaning you’ll pay just $99 for a one-year membership to Digital Fortunes.

Over the course of your year-long subscription, expect to receive at least 12 stock investment recommendations. Each of these recommendations, of course, has the potential to generate massive profits.

And you can get all of it for the highly discounted price of just $99, which equates to 27 cents per day... roughly one-thirteenth the price of a Starbucks coffee.

To summarize, you’ll get:

  • MONTHLY ISSUES (12) of my flagship publication for an entire year…
  • REPORT #1: How to Profit From the iPhone Killer
  • REPORT #2 (FREE BONUS): Creative Destruction — the Most Powerful Investment Force of the Last 100 Years
  • Full access to my MODEL PORTFOLIO, where you can track all of the rip-roaring stocks that I recommend throughout the year, and…
  • I’ll send E-MAIL UPDATES whenever news breaks that may impact any of the open position in our model portfolio.

All for the unprecedented price of just $99!

Just one of these trades could pay for your subscription many times over — and you’ll be getting more than a dozen of them for just 27 cents per day!

To get started right away, all you have to do is click the link below…

If you’re still not convinced this offer’s right for you, there’s one other thing I’d like to bring to your attention...

Essentially, it’s a way for you to get your hands on all of the recommendations — with absolutely no financial risk to you.

Let me explain what I mean...


When you purchase Digital Fortunes today, you get 30 days to evaluate this service, risk-free.

Divider Warranty

Meaning, after you join, you’ll be able to download all three of my newest reports.

Then, over the next 30 days, if you’re not a fan of my research, email or call us and we’ll issue you a FULL refund for your subscription costs.

To be clear, we do NOT charge any kind of “processing” or “restocking” fees like some other publishers do.

Also, it doesn’t matter what your reason is for cancelling… for example, say you don’t like the font we use… or the design of our newsletter…

If my research isn’t right for you — for whatever reason — we’ll grant you a FULL REFUND at any time over the next 30 days, no questions asked.

Bottom line, you have nothing to lose here… yet everything to gain.


Here’s what you need to do right now…


Today I’ve given you everything I have…

First, I introduced you to the greatest investment force of the last 100 years — creative destruction… a force uniquely responsible for the rise of Tesla, Bitcoin, Moderna, Netflix, Amazon, Citrix Systems, Uber, Intuitive Surgical, and more.

Then, I boldly predicted that Apple’s act of creative destruction would be the largest in history, and backed up my prediction with intelligent analysis. By wisely choosing to kill its iPhone — the same way it killed the iPod — Apple is vying to protect its kingdom for another 25 years.

Next, I told you about a secret meeting at Apple’s Cupertino headquarters, where the science behind the iPhone Killer was revealed to over 1,000 top staffers.

After that, I unveiled the iPhone Killer’s most essential component — a device called “Holo-Core,” which is inextricably linked to Apple’s succession plan. Holo-Core’s demand potential runs well above two billion units.

Lastly, I revealed the most shocking thread of all. The global leader of Holo-Core technology is a tiny firm 0.10% the size of Apple! The company’s powerful tandem of mind-blowing innovation and patents reminds me of Apple in 1980. No wonder it sits atop Big Tech’s “wish list” of strategic acquisitions.


I compiled all of the urgent moneymaking details in a free report called…

How to Profit From the iPhone Killer.


I’m also giving you a rare chance invest alongside three additional acts of creative destruction — all of which are happening now.

And I’m offering all this in a highly-discounted 12-month subscription to my flagship publication, Digital Fortunes.

Better still, with my 30-day refund policy, you get access to everything — while risking nothing to get it (not a single penny).

Now it’s time for you to make a choice...

I wish I could make it for you…

But that’s something you and you alone need to do.

When you click on the link below, you’ll be taken to a secure order form…

That’s where you’ll enter your billing and contact info.


Simply click the link below, fill out the details… and I’ll rush you everything promised here today.


Within moments of submitting your order, you’ll get an email from me with both downloadable reports.

Please open them immediately…


Flip to page six of my iPhone Killer report to discover everything about the tiny company atop Apple’s “wish list”…


Be sure to read the bonus report, too.

Then, prepare to harness the power of creative destruction…

With high-octane stocks that seek to lead the market (never lag)…

Earning the type of profits that could potentially change your life...

While rocketing toward a goal of 100% financial freedom.

It could be all yours by clicking the link below.


Michael Robinson
Chief Technologist, Digital Fortunes

P.S. — Is history about to repeat itself?

In the summer of 2012, Apple announced that it had acquired fingerprint-sensor company, AuthenTec, for $356 million. The announcement sent AuthenTec shares rocketing higher.

Nine years later, I’m predicting a repeat performance.

So mark your calendar for January 25

I believe Apple will formally announce its iPhone Killer plans. If I’m correct, shares of the tiny company atop Apple’s “wish list” — the innovator of Holo-Core technology — could double in price overnight.

All of the urgent details are in my brand-new report.